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Mandela Day 2020: Ocean View Community Garden

As part of Mandela Day, the GCX team revisited a community garden in Ocean View, Cape Town to support the garden with the next planting season’s compost and seed.

GCX first visited Ocean View on Mandela Day in 2013 to help Shamiela Abrahams, a passionate community worker, extend her vegetable garden. Shamiela grows and shares the produce from her garden with the largely unemployed community living in the council flats.

Shamiela was born on a farm in Noordhoek and started growing food from a very young. The garden she started continues to provide hope and healing to the community since she left there in 1969.

We salute Shamiela for her resilience, faith, passion and heart she puts into growing the garden despite many challenges. While the face of the garden has changed over the years, the soil continues to produce nutritious food since we first visited it in 2013.

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Mandela Day 2013

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Lise Pretorius


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in elementum est. Integer eget euismod felis. Proin et augue fermentum, rutrum nibh eu, volutpat massa. Maecenas sagittis imperdiet orci, non rhoncus quam elementum sed. Aenean commodo dignissim mollis. Mauris pellentesque nunc quis lacus accumsan efficitur. Nullam placerat ut magna et gravida. Aenean eu mauris malesuada, scelerisque lectus in, fringilla velit. Curabitur semper lacinia lectus ut iaculis. In mollis tortor a porttitor malesuada. Donec non ex ut leo posuere luctus. Sed eu urna ipsum. Nulla placerat tristique urna, vitae ullamcorper lacus pharetra blandit. Integer ac purus leo. Vestibulum eget pulvinar erat, quis efficitur enim.

Lise Pretorius


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in elementum est. Integer eget euismod felis. Proin et augue fermentum, rutrum nibh eu, volutpat massa. Maecenas sagittis imperdiet orci, non rhoncus quam elementum sed. Aenean commodo dignissim mollis. Mauris pellentesque nunc quis lacus accumsan efficitur. Nullam placerat ut magna et gravida. Aenean eu mauris malesuada, scelerisque lectus in, fringilla velit. Curabitur semper lacinia lectus ut iaculis. In mollis tortor a porttitor malesuada. Donec non ex ut leo posuere luctus. Sed eu urna ipsum. Nulla placerat tristique urna, vitae ullamcorper lacus pharetra blandit. Integer ac purus leo. Vestibulum eget pulvinar erat, quis efficitur enim.

Hein Fourie


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in elementum est. Integer eget euismod felis. Proin et augue fermentum, rutrum nibh eu, volutpat massa. Maecenas sagittis imperdiet orci, non rhoncus quam elementum sed. Aenean commodo dignissim mollis. Mauris pellentesque nunc quis lacus accumsan efficitur. Nullam placerat ut magna et gravida. Aenean eu mauris malesuada, scelerisque lectus in, fringilla velit. Curabitur semper lacinia lectus ut iaculis. In mollis tortor a porttitor malesuada. Donec non ex ut leo posuere luctus. Sed eu urna ipsum. Nulla placerat tristique urna, vitae ullamcorper lacus pharetra blandit. Integer ac purus leo. Vestibulum eget pulvinar erat, quis efficitur enim.

Bernard Jacobs


After 14 years in the marine water sector Bernard joined GCX in 2013 and initially focused on water sustainability at corporate level. It was this process that highlighted that “most” corporates, with all good intentions, do not have the know-how, ability or understanding of how to go about gathering, managing and reporting responsible data.

During his tenure at GCX, Bernard combined his formal accounting training, his IT skills and worked together with the highly skilled technical team at GCX and its associates to develop the GCX GCX Data Analytics and Sustainability Hub (DASH-).

Ohad Shachar


Ohad joined GCX in 2008 and has over 15 years of sustainability management consultancy experience, specialising in the development and delivery of climate change response programmes. This has included carbon footprint analysis, life cycle assessments, GHG verification services, CDP reporting and GHG mitigation and adaptation strategies – all of which he has implemented with a portfolio of JSE-listed companies across various sectors such as Property, Insurance, Finance, Mining and Fisheries.

Ohad has co-authored various climate adaptation studies in agricultural and insurance sectors, and has assisted companies and cities in developing innovative climate risk and vulnerability assessment tools. He has a BSC Hons in Biochemistry, and an MPhil in Environmental Management.

Sandra Ririe


Sandra is responsible for the financial and operational management of GCX. She brings rigour and discipline to the organisation’s finances and executes our strategy through efficient and sustainable operations management. Prior to joining GCX in 2012, she worked with a variety of companies to optimise their administrative processes and to build capacity internally, with a specialised focus on customer relationship management. Sandra holds a BComm Financial Accounting Degree from Stellenbosch University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Enterprise Management from the University of Cape Town.

Kevin James


Kevin leads a dedicated team of strategic environmental sustainability and project management experts. He and his team actively support the transformation of large, complex organisations into more responsible and valuable entities by unlocking fast-emerging green economy opportunities.

As a professional with deep experience in strategic corporate sustainability as well as in the development of green, low carbon projects, Kevin and his team have developed sector-leading technology within the design and implementation of business intelligence analytics. Kevin also holds non-executive Directorship in The Green Building Council South Africa.